How Long Does Cooked Steak Last In The Fridge? Top Full Guide 2023

How Long Does Cooked Steak Last In The Fridge Top Full Guide 2023

If you’re a steak lover, you might be wondering how long does cooked steak will last in the fridge. The answer is that it depends on a few factors, including how it was cooked, stored, and fresh before cooking.

Labeling the container with the date you cooked the steak is also a good idea to track how long it’s been in the fridge. If you’re not planning to eat the steak within four days, you can freeze it later.

How Long Does Cooked Steak Last In The Fridge

How Long Does Cooked Steak Last In The Fridge Top Full Guide 2023

Cooked steak is a delicious and satisfying meal that many people enjoy. However, knowing how long cooked steak can be stored in the fridge before it goes bad is important.

The answer to this question depends on several factors, including the type of steak, how it was cooked, and how it was stored.

Generally, cooked steak can last in the fridge for 3-4 days. However, the steak shelf life can vary depending on the type of refrigerated steak and how it was cooked.

For example, if you cook a lean cut of steak such as a sirloin or flank steak, it may only last 2-3 days in the fridge. On the other hand, if you cook a fatty cut of steak such as a ribeye or New York strip, it may last up to 4-5 days.

The steak’s cooking can also affect how long it lasts in the fridge. If the steak is cooked to a high temperature, it will last longer than if cooked to a lower temperature. This is because cooking at a high temperature kills off more bacteria, which can cause the steak to spoil more quickly.

How Long Can You Keep Cooking Steak?

How Long Can You Keep Cooking Steak

If the steak was cooked to a rare or medium-rare doneness, it might not last as long in the fridge as a well-done steak.

This is because rare and medium-rare steak has a higher risk of bacterial growth, as it hasn’t been cooked to a high enough temperature to kill all the bacteria. If you’re storing rare or medium-rare steak, consuming it within two to three days is best.

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On the other hand, if the steak is cooked too well, you can keep the cooked steak in fridge for 7 days. This is because the high cooking temperature can help kill any bacteria that may be present. However, it’s still important to properly store the steak in an airtight container or wrapped tightly in foil or plastic wrap.

It’s also important to consider how fresh the steak is before cooking. If the steak was already approaching its expiration date before cooking, it might not last as long in the fridge.

Additionally, if the steak is left at room temperature for too long before or after cooking, it can increase the risk of bacterial growth and spoilage.

How to Store Leftover Steak in the Fridge

How Long Can You Keep Cooking Steak

This article will discuss tips and best practices for storing leftover steak in the fridge.

Let the steak cool down

Before storing your leftover steak in the fridge, it’s important to let it cool down first. This can help prevent moisture from building up in the container, which can lead to bacterial growth and spoilage. Let the steak cool down for at least 30 minutes before storing it in the fridge.

Choose the right container

Choosing the right container is crucial for storing leftover steak in the fridge. Airtight containers are the best choice, as they help prevent air and moisture from getting in, which can lead to spoilage. You can also use plastic wrap or aluminum foil, but be sure to wrap it tightly to prevent air from getting in.

It’s also important to choose a container that is the right size for the steak. A container that is too big can allow air to circulate the steak, which can cause it to dry out. A container that is too small can cause the steak to become squished, affecting its texture.

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Label the container

Labeling the container with the date can help you track how long the steak has been in the fridge. This can help you avoid eating spoiled food and reduce waste. Using a permanent marker to label the container with the date you stored the steak is recommended.

Store the steak in the right part of the fridge

The temperature of the fridge is also an important factor when it comes to storing leftover steak. The ideal temperature for storing food in the fridge is between 35-38°F (1.7-3.3°C). It’s important to store the steak in the coldest part of the fridge, usually the back or bottom.

Eat it within four days

Cooked steak can generally be kept in the fridge for up to four days. Consuming the steak within this time frame is important to ensure it’s safe to eat. If you’re not planning to eat the steak within four days, you can freeze it later.

Reheat properly

When reheating leftover steak, it’s important to do so properly to ensure it’s safe to eat. The best way to reheat steak is to use the oven or stovetop. You can also use a microwave, but cover the steak with a damp paper towel to prevent it from drying out.

It’s recommended to reheat the steak to an internal temperature of 165°F (74°C) to ensure it’s safe to eat. You can use a meat thermometer to check the temperature.

Use your senses

If the steak smells off or has an unusual texture, it’s best to discard it. Trust your senses and use your judgment when determining whether the steak is safe. When in doubt, it’s better to err on caution and toss it out.

How Long Is Cook Steak Good For?

How Long Is Cook Steak Good For

The answer to how long is cooked steak good for depends on various factors such as how the steak was stored, how it was cooked, and whether it has been left out at room temperature for an extended period. Here are some general guidelines:

  • If the cooked refrigerated beef has been refrigerated promptly, it can last for up to four days in the fridge.
  • If you’ve stored the steak in an airtight container, it can last for up to six months in the freezer.
  • If the steak has been left out at room temperature for more than two hours, it should be discarded to avoid the risk of bacterial growth.
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How to Reheat Leftover Steak?

How to Reheat Leftover Steak

Reheating leftover steak can be tricky, as you want to ensure it’s heated through without overcooking or drying it out. Here are several methods for reheating leftover steak and tips for ensuring it comes out perfectly every time.

Reheat in the Oven

To reheat steak in the oven, preheat your oven to 250°F (120°C). Place the steak in an oven-safe dish and add a small amount of beef broth or water to help keep it moist. Cover the dish with foil and heat in the oven for 15-20 minutes or until the steak reaches the desired temperature.

One of the benefits of reheating steak in the oven is that it can help retain its moisture and prevent it from drying out. However, it can take a bit longer than some other methods.

Reheat on the Stovetop

Heat a small amount of oil or butter in a skillet over medium-high heat to reheat the steak on the stovetop. Once hot, add the steak and cook for 1-2 minutes on each side or until heated through. This method is quick and easy, but it can result in overcooking if you’re not careful.

Reheat in the Microwave

To reheat steak in the microwave, place it on a microwave-safe plate and cover it with a damp paper towel. Microwave on high for 30-second intervals, checking the temperature in between until the steak reaches the desired temperature. This method is fast but can also result in uneven heating and a dry texture.

Sous Vide Reheating

Sous vide reheating is a technique that uses a water bath to reheat steak slowly and evenly. This method requires sous vide immersion circulator, which can be expensive, but it can produce restaurant-quality results.

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To sous vide reheat steak, fill a large pot or container with water and attach the immersion circulator, setting the temperature to the desired heat. Place the steak in sous vide bag and seal it, then place the bag in the water bath and let it cook for about 30-45 minutes.

Reheat on the Grill

If you have access to a grill, you can also reheat steak on the grill for a smoky, charred flavor. Heat the grill to medium-high heat and grill the steak for 2-3 minutes on each side or until heated. This method can be a bit more time-consuming, but it can add a delicious flavor to the steak.

How to Tell If Cook Steak Gone Bad?

How to Tell If Cook Steak Gone Bad

Steak is a delicious and popular protein source but can also be potentially hazardous if not cooked or stored properly. If you’re unsure whether your steak has gone bad, taking necessary precautions to avoid foodborne illness is crucial. Here are some signs to look for to tell if your steak has gone bad:

  • Smell: An unpleasant smell is one of the most evident signs that your steak has gone bad. A rotten steak will have a sour or ammonia-like odor that you should be able to detect when you bring it close to your nose.
  • Appearance: Another clue to watch out for is the steak’s appearance. If your steak has a slimy or sticky film on its surface or it has turned gray or brown, it’s a sign that it has gone bad. Additionally, if you notice any mold growth on the surface of the steak, you should not consume it.
  • Texture: The texture of your steak can also tell you whether it’s gone bad. If the meat is slimy, has a mushy or soft texture, or feels tacky when you touch it, it’s best to discard it. Fresh steak should have a firm and smooth texture.
  • Expiration Date: Always check the expiration date of the steak before cooking it. Even if the steak looks and smells okay, it’s not worth the risk of getting sick if it has expired.
  • Storage: Proper storage is essential to keep your steak fresh and safe. Keep your steak in the refrigerator or freezer, and ensure it’s not left at room temperature for more than two hours. If you’re unsure whether your steak has been stored correctly, it’s best to err on caution and throw it out.
  • Cooking: Cooking your steak to the proper temperature can also help ensure it’s safe. Use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature of the steak. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) recommends cooking beef to at least 145°F (63°C) for medium-rare and 160°F (71°C) for medium.
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FAQs about How Long Do Cooked Steaks Last in The Fridge

FAQs Of How Long Does Cooked Steak Last In The Fridge

Can you eat cold steak?

Yes, you can eat cold steak. However, ensuring the steak has been cooked properly and stored safely before consuming it cold is crucial.

Leftover steak should be kept in the refrigerator and consumed within three to four days. If you’re reheating the steak, ensure it reaches a safe internal temperature of 165°F (74°C) to avoid the risk of foodborne illness.

How long can raw steak stay in the fridge?

You can keep the uncooked steak in fridge for 7 days before it needs to be cooked or frozen. Store the raw steak in fridge with an airtight container or wrap it tightly in plastic or aluminum foil to ensure it stays fresh for as long as possible.

What’s the safest way to store cooked steak?

The safest way to store it is to keep cooked meat in fridge immediately after cooking. Allow the steak to cool to room temperature for at least two hours, then wrap it tightly in plastic or aluminum foil and store it in the refrigerator for up to four days. If you plan to store the steak for longer, freeze it.

How long is leftover beef good for?

Leftover beef can be stored in the refrigerator for up to four days as long as it has been cooked and stored safely. To ensure the beef stays fresh for as long as possible, refrigerate it promptly after cooking, store it in an airtight container or wrap it tightly in plastic or aluminum foil.

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How long can sirloin steak stay in the fridge?

Sirloin steak can stay in the refrigerator for three to five days before it needs to be cooked or frozen. Store the steak in an airtight container or wrap it tightly in plastic or aluminum foil to ensure it stays fresh for as long as possible. Always check the expiration date and discard the steak if it has expired or shows any signs of spoilage.

Read more:


If you want more tips and advice on cooking and enjoying steak, check out This website offers a wealth of information on everything from selecting the best cuts of steak to cooking techniques, recipes, and more.

With expert advice and guidance, you can take your steak game to the next level and impress your friends and family with delicious, perfectly cooked steak every time.

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