How Long Does Kimchi Last In The Fridge After Opening: TOP Full Guide 2023

How Long Does Kimchi Last In The Fridge After Opening TOP Full Guide 2023

How Long Does Kimchi Last In The Fridge After Opening? It is hard to answer because it depends on the size of the container, the brand, and how fast you eat the Kimchi. 

Kimchi is a traditional Korean dish that can be served raw, mild, or spicy. Kimchi can contain fish, shellfish, veggies, red pepper, garlic, ginger, cucumber, or seaweed.

Similar to pickles, once the fermenting process starts, there is no turning back. The fermentation will just continue to grow until the entire jar has exploded.

The Way To Tell If Kimchi Has Gone Bad

The Way To Tell If Kimchi Has Gone Bad

So long as it smells ordinary and does not have mold, kimchi is excellent to consume.

Kimchi is hot, but bad kimchi may smell “off,” like alcohol or sewage.

Mold grows in chilled food, especially if it’s badly stored. Even though it prefers warmer temperatures. It creates a fuzzy mass of tiny squares and ranges in color from black to blue to green.

Mold rots food and harbors microorganisms that cause food poisoning and allergies. Avoid breathing mold spores in kimchi.

Oysters and fermented fish in kimchi can cause serious foodborne diseases, so inspect it carefully.

Due to comparable beneficial bacteria, vegan and non-vegan kimchi can age. Although further research is needed.

If you are ever unsure if your kimchi remains great, it is advisable to waste it.


Kimchi is unclean and sour. So long as you do not see mold or detect any foul odors, your kimchi ought to be safe to consume. Nevertheless, if you are in doubt, throw it out.

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How To Store Kimchi?

Kimchi is a popular Korean side dish made out of spicy fermented cabbage and other veggies.

Today, kimchi is made in mason jars and fermented at room temperature or slightly below.


Kimchi’s production process is very like sauerkraut, and so will be the storage instructions.

Kimchi, in the majority of instances, is marketed unpasteurized. That usually means that the jar’s beneficial bacteria continue to be busy, and the fermentation process is continuing.

Owing to that, the refrigerator is the ideal storage location, in which fermentation slows down appreciably. You can continue to keep the jar at room temperature for a couple of days. However, the kimchi will be sour and the jar may explode like champagne when opened.

First and remember to keep it sealed tightly when not being used as soon as you open the jar. Secondly, like using pickles, be certain all of the vegetables are coated in liquid not to dry out and Kimchi go bad.

If you can not use the first jar for any reason, then any other airtight container must also work. Ensure that you move all of the liquid and the vegetables are submerged inside.

If you have opened a jar of unpasteurized kimchi and did not discover it sour enough to your liking, then you can fix that easily. Just allow the sealed jar to immediately sit at the sink and place it back in the refrigerator in the afternoon. You ought to discover the contents of this jar more delicious that day.

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In case you were wondering, then we set the container at the sink in the event the germs go mad immediately, and it releases a few liquids.

If you have purchased pasteurized or heat-treated kimchi, you can save an unopened jar in the kitchen or pantry. Just be certain it stays at a cool place away from the sunlight and sources of heat.

Heat therapy kills all of the germs in kimchi. Therefore there is no requirement to keep it refrigerated. But as soon as you open the jar, then be sure to keep it tightly sealed from the refrigerator.

Lastly, always use clean utensils when yanking on the veggies out of the jar. While the indoors’ surroundings are very acidic and will probably kill many germs that may get in there, there is no point in testing if that works.

How Long Does Kimchi Go Bad In The Fridge?

How Long Does Kimchi Last In The Fridge After Opening

Ahead of it ferments, experienced kimchi is normally packaged into a sterile, airtight jar and topped with brine. Some may include a little bit of rice vinegar or apple cider vinegar.

E. coli, Salmonella, and other food-poisoning microorganisms must be sterilized properly.

It ferments in 3-4 times at room temperature or 2-3 months in the refrigerator. In this process, it develops lactic acid bacteria, in addition to other valuable bacteria.

Kept at room temperature, kimchi lasts one week after launching.

The fridge remains fresh much more – roughly 3-6 months – and continues to ferment, which might result in some sour taste. Make sure you wash your kimchi in or under 39°F (4°C), as warmer temperatures can accelerate spoilage.

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If you want a milder taste or crunchier texture, then you might choose to discard your kimchi following three months. Following this stage, its flavor may change considerably and become mushy.

If there’s no mold, kimchi may be eaten for three months. If you don’t want to throw it out but don’t like the sour taste, try putting it with fried curries or rice.


At room temperature, opened kimchi lasts one week. When properly refrigerated, it may last 3-6 months. It proceeds to ferment because it ages, getting sourer and thicker – that may leave it unappealing.

Dangers Of Eating Poor Kimchi

Eating sour kimchi can lead to food-borne diseases.

Specifically, the mycotoxins in mold can lead to nausea, diarrhea, and nausea. Individuals with weakened immune systems are particularly vulnerable.

Spoilt pickled seafood can cause botulism, paralytic shellfish poisoning, or anisakids. These disorders cause nausea, vomiting, respiratory discomfort, gastrointestinal hemorrhage, and congestion.

Kimchi contains peppermint, cabbage, and other food poisoning agents. Foods that follow this dish, like rice and sprouts, are typical culprits too.

If you make your own kimchi, you should always make sure to wash all of the items and follow the right ways to prepare food. If you would rather purchase it pre-made, be certain that you buy it from a vendor you trust.


Eating sour kimchi – particularly if it features fish – can lead to food poisoning, which may cause symptoms such as nausea and vomiting.

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Proper Storage

Once opened, kimchi ought to be refrigerated to allow it to last longer.

Kimchi isn’t considered shelf-stable due to its many healthy bacteria, which means you should not keep it at room temperature. In reality, store-bought kimchi will be fermented and kept at a constant 39°F (4°C).

A fantastic guideline is to ensure that all its components are completely submerged in the brine until you reseal it.

Also, you should only handle kimchi in its container with clean tools. Since dirty or used tools can introduce germs that make the kimchi go bad.

Moreover, you need to avoid constantly opening and closing the container. The exposure to the atmosphere could welcome undesirable organisms, which may also ruin your kimchi.

In case you’ve got a huge jar of kimchi, then it could be preferable to move parts, like a week’s value, into smaller containers as you move. This can help conserve it.


It is ideal for maintaining kimchi from the refrigerator to reduce spoilage. To keep it fresh longer, make sure all of its parts are covered in brine, always handle it with tools.

The Main Point

Kimchi is a pickled Napa cabbage dish that is famous in Korean food. It might be good for your health in many ways, like lowering your LDL cholesterol.

When prepared properly and refrigerated, it may last up to 6 months.

Nevertheless, it would be best if you didn’t ever eat kimchi that smells off or gets visible mold. If you are ever unsure if your dish is safe to consume, it is ideal for throwing it out.

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