Do Cherries Need To Be Refrigerated? Top Full Guide 2023

Do Cherries Need To Be Refrigerated Top Full Guide 2023

If you’re a cherry lover, you might be wondering Do Cherries Need To Be Refrigerated  or how long do cherries last out of the fridge to keep them fresh. The answer is: it depends.

Fresh cherries have a relatively short shelf life and can spoil quickly if not stored properly. If you plan to eat them within a few days of purchasing, you can leave them at room temperature, but if you want them to last longer, it’s best to refrigerate them.

Do Cherries Go Bad?

Do Cherries Go Bad

Cherries are delicious and nutritious fruit that can be enjoyed fresh, frozen, or in various recipes. However, like all perishable fruits, cherries will eventually go bad if not stored properly. So, the short answer to the question “Do cherries go bad?” is yes, cherries will spoil over time.

Fresh cherries have a relatively short shelf life, and their storage requirements are crucial to keeping them fresh for as long as possible.

Do Cherries Need to be Refrigerated?

Do Cherries Need to be Refrigerated

The answer to the question of whether cherries need to be refrigerated is not a simple one. It depends on several factors, including how ripe the cherries are, how soon you plan to eat them, and how you want to store them.

If you have just purchased fresh cherries from the market and plan to eat them within a day or two, you can keep cherries fresh at room temperature.

However, refrigeration is the way to go if you want to extend their shelf life. Cherries stored in the refrigerator can last up to a week, while those left at room temperature will typically start to spoil after just a couple of days.

The reason why refrigeration helps to prolong the shelf life of cherries is that it slows down the natural ripening process.

Cherries continue to ripen after they have been picked, and warm temperatures accelerate this process. Refrigeration slows down the ripening process, which helps to prevent the cherries from spoiling too quickly.

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Another factor to consider when deciding whether to refrigerate your cherries is their level of ripeness. Fully ripe cherries are more delicate and prone to spoilage than slightly underripe ones.

If your cherries are fully ripe, it’s best to refrigerate them as soon as possible to prevent them from spoiling. If they are slightly underripe, you can store them at room temperature to help them ripen more quickly.

How Long Do Cherries Last in The Fridge

How Long Do Cherries Last in The Fridge

First, it is important to understand that there are two main types of cherries: sweet and sour. Sweet cherries, also known as Bing cherries, are more commonly consumed as a snack or used in desserts, while sour cherries are used more in cooking and for making juice. The two types of cherries have different storage requirements.

  • When it comes to storing sweet cherries, the ideal temperature range is between 32°F and 34°F (0°C to 1°C). At this temperature, sweet cherries can last up to two weeks in the fridge without spoiling.
  • On the other hand, sour cherries are more delicate than sweet cherries and require more careful storage. The ideal temperature range for sour cherries is between 30°F and 32°F (-1°C to 0°C). At this temperature, sour cherries can last up to one week in the fridge. It is important to note that sour cherries have a shorter shelf life than sweet cherries, so using them as soon as possible after purchase is important.

Another important factor that affects the shelf life of cherries is their ripeness. Cherries that are not fully ripe may not last as long in the fridge as fully ripe ones.

It is best to choose cherries that are plump, firm, and have a glossy appearance. Ripe cherries should also have a sweet aroma and be free of blemishes or bruises.

How to Store Cherries For Long Time to Keep Them at Their Best

How to Store Cherries For a Long Time to Keep Them at Their Best

Fresh cherries have a relatively short shelf life and can spoil quickly if not stored properly. So, Let’s explore the best ways to store cherries for a long time to keep them at their best.

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Choose the right cherries

The first step to storing fresh cherries for a long time is to choose the right ones. Look for cherries that are firm, plump, and have a bright, uniform color.

Avoid cherries that are soft, mushy, or have bruises or cuts. The stem should be green and firmly attached to the cherry. Avoid cherries with brown or dry stems, as they indicate that the cherries are old or have been sitting around for too long.

Refrigerate cherries

If you want to store cherries for a long time, it’s important to refrigerate them. Fresh cherries should be kept at a temperature of 32-34°F (0-1°C) to keep them at their best. This temperature range slows down the ripening process and helps to prevent spoilage.

When storing cherries in the fridge, it’s important to keep them dry. Place the cherries in a clean, dry container, such as a plastic or glass container with a lid.

Line the bottom of the container with a paper towel or napkin to absorb any excess moisture. Avoid washing the cherries before storing them, as this can cause them to spoil more quickly.

Remove any spoiled cherries

Before storing cherries, remove any that are spoiled or have signs of spoilage. This will help prevent the spread of mold and bacteria to the other cherries in the container. If you notice any soft, mushy cherries or mold growing on them, discard them immediately.

Use airtight containers

When storing cherries for a long time, using airtight containers is important to prevent air and moisture from getting in. Air and moisture can cause cherries to spoil more quickly, so keeping them sealed in an airtight container is important. Use a container with a tight-fitting lid, or wrap the cherries tightly in plastic wrap.

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Freeze cherries

If you have many cherries you want to store for a long time, you can freeze them. Freezing cherries is a great way to preserve them for several months. To freeze cherries, wash them thoroughly and remove the stems and pits.

Spread them out on a baking sheet in a single layer and place them in the freezer for a few hours until they are completely frozen. Once frozen, transfer them to an airtight container or freezer bag and store them in the freezer for up to 6 months.

Use cherries before they spoil

Finally, the best way to store cherries for a long time is to use them before they spoil. While cherries can be stored for several days or weeks if stored properly, it’s important to use them before they go bad.

Cherries are best when fresh, so try to use them within a few days of purchasing them.

Can You Freeze Cherries?

Can You Freeze Cherries

Yes, cherries can be frozen. Freezing cherries is a great way to preserve and enjoy their freshness for longer periods. Cherries can be frozen with or without pits, depending on your preference and how you plan to use them.

  1. To freeze cherries, first, wash and dry them thoroughly. If you choose to remove the pits, you can use a cherry pitter or simply slice the cherries in half and remove the pit. If you freeze the cherries with their pits, warn anyone who may eat them later.
  2. Next, place the cherries in a single layer on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. This will help prevent the cherries from sticking together during freezing. Place the baking sheet in the freezer and freeze the cherries for a few hours or until they are completely frozen.
  3. Once the cherries are frozen, transfer them to an airtight container or a freezer bag. Be sure to label the container or bag with the date to track when the cherries were frozen. The cherries can be stored in the freezer for up to 6 months.
  4. When ready to use the frozen cherries, remove them from the freezer and let them thaw at room temperature for about 30 minutes. You can use the thawed cherries in various recipes, including smoothies, pies, and baked goods.
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How to Tell if Cherries Are Bad?

How to Tell if Cherries Are Bad

Here are some signs to look out for to determine if cherries are bad:

  • Appearance: Look for any signs of discoloration or mold on the cherries. If the cherries have a slimy or sticky texture, this could also be a sign of spoilage.
  • Smell: Rotten cherries will have a sour or musty smell, so give them a whiff before eating.
  • Texture: If the cherries are soft or mushy, this could indicate that they are overripe or starting to spoil.
  • Taste: If the cherries taste sour, bitter, or off in any way, this could be a sign that they are no longer good to eat.

How to Buy Good Cherries at the Store or Farmers’ Market?

How to Buy Good Cherries at the Store or Farmers' Market

Here are some tips to help you select the best cherries:

Look for firm, plump cherries

When choosing cherries, look for ones that are firm and plump. Avoid soft or mushy cherries, as they are likely overripe and may spoil quickly. Additionally, check for any signs of bruising or discoloration, indicating that the cherries are past their prime.

Check the stem

The stem is a good indicator of the freshness of the cherries. Look for green cherries with green stems firmly attached to the fruit. If the stems are brown or shriveled, this can indicate that the cherries are old or have been mishandled.

Consider the color

Different cherries have different colors, so the color alone is not a reliable indicator of freshness or quality. However, look for vibrant cherries with a deep red or dark purple hue. Avoid cherries that are pale or have a yellow or green tint, as this can indicate that they are underripe.

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Taste test

If possible, taste a cherry before buying a whole bag or box. This will give you a good sense of the flavor and sweetness of the cherries. Good cherries should be sweet, juicy, and flavorful, with a hint of tartness.

Consider the season

Cherries are a seasonal fruit, peak season from late spring to early summer. While it is possible to find cherries in the off-season, they may not be as fresh or flavorful as those available during peak season.

When shopping for cherries, consider the time of year and look for locally grown fruit, which will likely be fresher and tastier.

Choose the right variety

There are many different varieties of cherries, each with its unique flavor and texture. Some of the most popular varieties include Bing, Rainier, and Montmorency. Bing cherries are large and sweet, with a deep red color, while Rainier cherries are yellow with a red blush and have a sweeter, milder flavor.

Montmorency cherries are tart and are often used for cooking and baking. Choose the variety that best suits your taste and intended use.

Buy from a reputable source

When shopping for cherries, buying from a reputable source, whether a grocery store or a farmers’ market, is important. Look for stores with a good reputation for quality and freshness, and avoid stores with a lot of bruised or damaged fruit.

At the farmers’ market, talk to the growers and ask them about their farming practices and the freshness of their produce.

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Do cherries have to be refrigerated?

Cherries do not have to be refrigerated but will last longer if stored in the refrigerator. If you plan on eating the cherries within a few days, they can be left at room temperature.

Should cherries be refrigerated?

Cherries should be refrigerated if you want them to last longer. This will slow down the ripening process and help prevent spoilage.

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How to tell if cherries are good?

To tell if cherries are good, look for fruit that is firm, plump, and free of bruising or discoloration. The stem should be green and firmly attached to the fruit. If possible, taste a cherry to check for sweetness and flavor.

What happens if you eat bad cherries?

If you eat bad cherries, you may experience stomach discomfort, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. Moldy or spoiled cherries can also contain toxins that can cause illness.

What is the best way to store bing cherries?

The best way to store bing cherries is to keep them in a well-ventilated container or plastic bag in the refrigerator. Do not wash the cherries until ready to eat them, as excess moisture can cause spoilage.

What is the best way to store fresh cherries?

The best way to store fresh cherries is to keep them in a well-ventilated container or plastic bag in the refrigerator. Do not wash the cherries until ready to eat them, as excess moisture can cause spoilage.

If you plan on freezing the cherries, remove the pits and place them in an airtight container or freezer bag.


When shopping for cherries, look for firm, plump fruit with green stems and vibrant colors. Consider the variety and taste test if possible.

Store cherries in fridge in a well-ventilated container or plastic bag in the refrigerator, and do not wash them until you are ready to eat them. If you plan on freezing the cherries, remove the pits and store them in an airtight container or freezer bag.

For more information on fresh cherries storage and other tips for enjoying fresh fruit, visit Our website offers many resources and advice for healthy living, including recipes, nutrition tips, and more.

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