Do You Refrigerate Wine? How To Store In 2023: Full Guide

Do You Refrigerate Wine How To Store In 2023 Full Guide

When it comes to wine, there are many questions about how to store it properly to ensure it tastes its best. One common question is Do you refrigerate wine. While certain types of wine should be refrigerated, others should not. The ideal storage temperature can vary depending on the type of wine, its age, and the length of time you plan to store it. 

In this article, Publicananker‘ll explore the different types of wine and the best way to store them to ensure they retain their flavor and aroma. Whether you’re a wine aficionado or a casual wine drinker, understanding how to properly store your wine can help you get the most out of every bottle.

Effects of Oxygen on Wine

Effects of Oxygen on Wine

Oxygen can have both positive and negative effects on wine.

  • In small amounts, oxygen can help wine develop complex aromas and flavors over time, a process known as aging.
  • However, too much oxygen exposure can cause wine to become oxidized, leading to undesirable aromas and flavors such as a flat or vinegary taste, and loss of fruitiness and freshness.

To prevent excessive oxygen exposure, winemakers may use various techniques such as limiting headspace in wine bottles, using oxygen-impermeable closures, or using inert gas to displace oxygen during wine production and storage

Do You Refrigerate Wine and Should Wine be Refrigerated?

Do You Refrigerate Wine and Should Wine be Refrigerated

Whether or not to refrigerate wine depends on the type of wine and personal preference.

Most white, rosé, and sparkling wines are best served chilled, so refrigerating them is recommended. For these wines, the ideal serving temperature is typically between 40-55°F (4-13°C), which can be achieved by refrigerating them for a few hours before serving.

On the other hand, most red wines are best served at room temperature, which is around 60-68°F (16-20°C), and should not be refrigerated unless you prefer to serve them slightly chilled.

It’s important to keep red wine in fridge and store long-term in a cool, dark place with a consistent temperature, ideally between 45-65°F (7-18°C), and with some humidity to prevent cork drying. Refrigerators can be too cold and dry for long-term wine storage, so if you’re planning to keep wine for an extended period, a wine cooler or a cellar would be a better option.

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In summary, it’s generally okay to refrigerate white wine, rosé, and sparkling wines before serving, but not red wines, unless you prefer them chilled. However, for long-term storage, red wine refrigerators may not be the best option.

How Long Does Wine Last Unopened and After Opening?

How Long Does Wine Last Unopened and After Opening

The shelf life of wine can vary depending on several factors, such as the type of wine, storage conditions, and the winemaking process. Here’s a general guideline for how long wine can last unopened and after opening, based on the type of wine:

  • Sparkling wine: Unopened, sparkling wine can last for several years if stored in a cool, dark place. Once opened, it’s best to consume it within 1-3 days to preserve its carbonation.
  • White wine: Unopened, most white wines can last for 1-2 years if stored in a cool, dark place. Once opened, it’s best to consume within 3-5 days.
  • Rosé wine: Unopened, most rosé wines can last for 1-2 years if stored in a cool, dark place. Once opened, it’s best to consume within 3-5 days.
  • Red wine: Unopened, most red wines can last for 2-10 years, depending on the variety and winemaking process, if stored in a cool, dark place. Once opened, it’s best to consume within 3-5 days, although some red wines can last for up to a week if stored properly.

It’s important to note that these are general guidelines, and the actual shelf life of wine can vary depending on several factors, such as the specific wine, storage conditions, and how well it’s been preserved. Once opened, wine can begin to oxidize and lose its flavor, so it’s best to consume it as soon as possible or use a wine preservation system to extend its shelf life.

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How to Store Your Wine Professionally?

Proper wine storage is essential to maintain the quality and flavor of wine over time. Here are some tips for storing wine professionally:

  1. Keep wine away from light: Exposure to light, especially UV light, can cause wine to become oxidized and develop unpleasant flavors. Store wine in a dark place or use UV-resistant wine storage.
  2. Maintain a consistent temperature: Fluctuations in temperature can also damage wine. The ideal temperature range for wine storage is 45-65°F (7-18°C), with minimal temperature fluctuations. Wine storage units or cellars can help maintain the right temperature.
  3. Control humidity: High humidity levels can cause mold and label damage, while low humidity can cause corks to dry out and let air into the bottle. Aim for a humidity level of 50-70%, which can be maintained through proper storage conditions.
  4. Store wine on its side: Storing wine bottles on their side can keep the cork moist and prevent air from entering the bottle. This is especially important for wines with natural cork closures.
  5. Avoid vibrations: Vibrations can disturb the sediment in wine bottles and impact the aging process. Store wine in a vibration-free environment or in a wine storage unit with a vibration dampening system.
  6. Keep wine away from strong odors: Wine can absorb the flavors and aromas of other substances, so avoid storing wine near strong-smelling foods or chemicals.

By following these tips, you can store your wine professionally and ensure that it maintains its quality and flavor over time.

Best Temperatures for Wine

Red Wine

The ideal temperature range for serving most red wines is between 60°F and 68°F (15°C to 20°C) with red wine refrigerators. Lighter-bodied reds such as Pinot Noir are typically served at the cooler end of this range, while full-bodied reds like Cabernet Sauvignon are usually served at the warmer end. However, personal preference and the specific wine being served may also influence the ideal serving temperature.

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White Wine

The ideal temperature for storing white wine in the fridge is between 45°F and 50°F (7°C to 10°C). It’s important to keep the wine at a consistent temperature, as fluctuations in temperature can cause the wine to age prematurely or develop off-flavors.

Light-bodied whites like Sauvignon Blanc refrigerate and Pinot Grigio are typically served at the cooler end of this range, while full-bodied whites like Chardonnay are usually served at the warmer end.


The ideal temperature for storing rosé wine is similar to that of white wine, between 45°F and 50°F (7°C to 10°C). Just like white wine, it’s important to store rosé in a cool, dark, and consistent environment, away from light and vibrations. However, if the rosé is a sparkling wine, it’s generally best to store it at a slightly cooler temperature of around 40°F (4°C) to prevent the bubbles from expanding and pushing out the cork.

Sparkling Wine

The best temperature for keeping sparkling wine in the fridge is between 40°F and 45°F (4°C to 7°C). It’s important to store sparkling wine at a cool and consistent temperature to prevent the pressure inside the bottle from building up and potentially causing the cork to pop out.

Sparkling wine should also be stored in a dark and vibration-free environment to prevent premature aging or off-flavors. It’s best to store sparkling wine in a horizontal position to keep the cork moist and prevent it from drying out, which could lead to air seeping into the bottle and causing spoilage.

Best Temperatures for Wine

Is My Opened Wine Still Good?

Opened wine can still be good for a short period, but its quality and flavor will gradually deteriorate due to exposure to oxygen. How long an opened wine remains drinkable depends on various factors, including the type of wine, how it was stored, and how much air it was exposed to.

A good rule of thumb is to consume an opened bottle of wine within 3-5 days, refrigerating it in between servings, if possible. Using a vacuum pump or inert gas wine preserver can help prolong the wine’s drinkability by reducing its exposure to oxygen. However, once the wine starts to taste dull or vinegary, it’s no longer drinkable and should be discarded.

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Do You Refrigerate Red Wine After Opening It?

Refrigerating red wine after opening is generally not necessary, as it is typically served at room temperature or slightly cooler. However, if you prefer to drink your red wine slightly chilled, it’s perfectly fine to refrigerate it for a short period, especially during warmer weather.

If you do refrigerate red wine, be sure to take it out of the fridge and allow it to come back to room temperature before serving.

Additionally, it’s important to remember that exposure to oxygen can cause the wine to lose its flavor and aroma, so it’s best to consume refrigerated red wine within a few days of opening.

Easy Hacks for Chilling Wine Fast

There are several easy hacks for chilling wine quickly:

  1. Wet towel method: Wrap a wet towel around the wine bottle and place it in the freezer for 15-20 minutes. The wet towel will help conduct the cold temperature from the freezer to the wine bottle, chillin it faster.
  2. Ice and salt method: Fill a large bucket or bowl with ice and add water and a few tablespoons of salt. Place the wine bottle in the ice bath and swirl it around for a few minutes. The salt will lower the freezing point of water, causing the ice to become colder and chill the wine more quickly.
  3. Frozen grapes method: Freeze a bunch of grapes and use them to chill your wine. Simply place a few frozen grapes in your wine glass or add them to your wine bottle, and they will chill the wine without diluting it.
  4. Instant ice method: Add ice cubes to a blender and blend until you have crushed ice. Place the wine bottle in a bucket or bowl and add the crushed ice around it, then add cold water. The ice will chill the wine quickly, while the water will help conduct the cold temperature more efficiently.
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While these methods can help chill wine quickly, it’s important to note that they are not a substitute for properly chilling wine in a refrigerator for a few hours before serving. Additionally, it’s important to avoid using these methods with vintage or expensive wines, as they could potentially damage the wine’s flavor and aroma


FAQs about Do You Refrigerate Wine

Does red wine need to be refrigerated?

Red wine doesn’t need to be refrigerated, as it’s typically served at room temperature or slightly cooler. However, there are some exceptions, such as light-bodied or fruity red wines that can benefit from a brief chill in the refrigerator before serving, especially during hot weather.

Do you refrigerate chardonnay?

Chardonnay is a type of white wine, and it is typically served chilled, so it’s a good idea to refrigerate white wine before serving. The ideal temperature for serving Chardonnay is between 45°F and 50°F (7°C to 10°C), which can be achieved by placing the bottle in the refrigerator for a few hours before serving.

If you’re in a hurry and need to chill the wine quickly, you can also use one of the fast-chilling methods mentioned earlier, such as the wet towel or frozen grapes method. Just be sure not to over-chill the wine, as serving it too cold can mute its flavors and aromas.

Does white wine need to be refrigerated after opening?

Yes, white wine should be refrigerated after opening to slow down the oxidation process and keep it fresh for a longer period. Once a bottle of white wine is opened, the oxygen in the air can begin to interact with the wine, causing it to lose its freshness and flavor.

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Storing white wine in the refrigerator can help slow down this process and keep the wine tasting its best for up to five days. To store an opened bottle of white wine in the fridge, re-cork it tightly or use a wine stopper, and place it in the coldest part of the refrigerator.

Should I chardonnay refrigerate or not?

Yes, you should refrigerate Chardonnay before serving, as it is a type of white wine that is typically served chilled. The ideal serving temperature for Chardonnay is between 45°F and 50°F (7°C to 10°C), which can be achieved by placing the bottle in the refrigerator for a few hours before serving.

What happens if you don’t refrigerate wine after opening?

If you don’t refrigerate wine after opening, the wine is exposed to oxygen in the air, which can cause it to oxidize and lose its freshness, flavor, and aroma. This process can begin within hours of opening the bottle and will continue to worsen the longer the wine is left at room temperature.

The wine may also develop a vinegar-like taste, and the color may darken or turn brown. In addition, the wine may become flat, losing its natural effervescence or sparkle.

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In Conclusion

Finally, knowing whether or not to refrigerate wine can make a significant difference in its taste and longevity. While some types of wine, such as white and sparkling, should be refrigerated, others, such as red, should not. Properly storing wine is important for preserving its unique flavor and aroma.

By understanding the different storage needs of each type of wine and taking proper steps to store it, you can ensure that your wine is always at its best. Whether you’re a casual wine drinker or a true connoisseur, storing your wine correctly is essential to enjoying it to the fullest.

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